Monday, 15 October 2012


Stupidity, in my opinion, has nothing to do with one’s innate biological trait. Whatever that comes by nature, that is just an unfortunate illness. Stupidity, I believe, is an act or a mind of personal choice. It is a personal construct. It is when you were aware of your actions/feelings and the outcomes of manifesting them and yet you chose to render them marginal, pretending as if the thought never occurred to you or treating it insignificantly, and eventually at the end of the day, you found yourself feeling tremendously dejected and remorseful about what you had done, remembering all that you had thought of earlier and throwing heavy accusations and unforgiving scathing remarks at yourself. That is the first type. Those who pursue the second type of stupidity are worse, as they are the people who, instead of looking in the mirror and learning and acknowledging their own mistakes, travel the world to find any possible excuses to justify their miseries and put the blame on other people’s shoulders. They manipulate the story of their misfortune and put forward a defensive facade that they will not let any advice, judgement, or criticism penetrate right through them. Simply put, they are just being in denial despite the apparent guilt baggage they carry on their back. Stupidity is when you chose to be ignorant of your own conscience and judgement. When you did what you knew you should have not done.

This is of course my view of stupidity. You will not find this anywhere else because this is just me writing based on what I did, felt, saw, heard or read. In reality, many people were/are stupid. I was, or maybe am one. Now the important question is, when do we start knocking some sense into our own head so that we will stop being stupid?

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